Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Long Line

Tonight was an especially hard night for many in our community and a special family.  One of my closest friend's stepson was killed in a car wreck Thursday night.  Tonight was receiving of friends and funeral.  He was only 21.

A long line.  What a showing of respect in our area.  During times like this I often wonder what funerals are like in other places.  Other than the South.  Deep bonds of family and friendship run around here.  I'm sure other places too.  Maybe death is mourned the same "here" and "there".  Here you don't even have to know the person who passed away.  But respect of someone you love and care for who did know the one who died?  That makes you go to the receiving of friends.  To show you're thinking of them in one of the worst points of their lives.  Wonder if it's that's so "there"......

Heartbreaking.  So heartbreaking looking around while in line.  Looking up to the end of the line where my friend and her husband, the boy's daddy, stood along with the mom.   Looking at them I was teary eyed before I was half way there.  Their faces were tired.  Tight at times.  Tight from exhaustion of tears but I feel also tight from smiling through the tears.  Pretending to be strong while everything falls apart around them.

Three little girls.  Tiny little girls.  Little girls who have lost their brother.  There is nothing that can be said about that.  No words......just sorrow for their little hearts.

Boys.  I see lots of boys.  They are probably 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and so forth.  But boys none-the-less.  Their faces were....I don't even know the word I'm searching.....sullen?  That isn't quite right.  Sad.  Maybe just sad.  And a little frightened.  Frightened of the unknown, frightened about not knowing what to do or how to react or what to say.  Most have never been in this place in life before.

At funerals you hear so many different expressions.  You hear a lot of "too young" or "so young".  People who know our family still say my brother who died in 1979 was "too young" at age 27.  My mother died when she was 56.  Those who knew her say she was "so young".  My dad was 80 when he died.  His death was the most recent but I really don't remember what people said his dying.  Maybe they were just very saddened about his passing.  Or maybe people just don't know what to say when an old person dies.  I don't know.  All I know that watching a family struggle with loss, no matter what the age of the person who

1 comment:

  1. Yes it does. One of our adjuncrs lost her adult son about 2 weeks ago. I couldn't go to the services but I wanted too. She is so sweet. Then less than a week ago her sons father, her ex,, killed himself. Do tragic..
