Monday, July 29, 2013

Today vs Tomorrow

I think I've realized one of my problems with taking care of my health (and any other aspect of my life). I always say to myself "Well, I'll start that tomorrow." Tomorrow I say the same thing. I guess I should tell myself "Today I'll eat healthy. Tomorrow I'll have a Lamp Post cheeseburger" and then repeat each day.


I love scarves......but I'm hopelessly devoid of any talent of tying one.


Chris and I went to Delano to look at Daylilies.  I bought a BUNCH and was reading on how to plant them on the way home.  The paper said to plant 18 inches apart.  Chris asked if I was going to take a tape measure with me to get the spacing right.  I said no and Chris told me I get in too big a hurry.  I said "If I waited on perfect my whole life then I'd never get anything done."

Coal and Blue Tailed Lizards

Mowing over the weekend I caught a glimpse of a large blue tailed lizard run underneath the house.  For a split second I remembered being a little girl over at my grandpa and grandma's place (Momma's parents).  They burned black coal for heat.  I loved going out back behind the house and looking at the huge pile of coal which set at the edge of the woods.  I remember watching and looking and waiting.  You see, the coal pile had many, many blue tailed lizards living within.  If you'd wait long enough and be still enough you'd catch a glimpse.