Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Nashville Again

Doctor's appointment in Nashville again today. My sister Lynette and nephew Tanner drove me over.  I love when they take me.  Lynette and I chat while Tanner plays my Candy Crush lives.  I had collected and saved over 300 for this trip. He used about 200!

What remains of my left breast is still stubbornly holding onto the infected dead flesh. The doctor cut a nickel size hole about an inch deep of necrotic tissue.  Now I have to pack the area twice daily.  Yuck.  I'm not made to be a nurse. Especially on myself.  It's really stressful caring for a wound such as this and not having a timetable for healing.

I forgot the packing gauze at his office so not sure what to use in morning.   Maybe something from Chris's medical bag of horse stuff?

Something good of the day.  We ate at J.Christophers which is right beside my doctor's office.  It was great.   Lynette and I split the chicken salad sandwich,  side salad and roasted potatoes.   Yummy!  Tanner had a grilled cheese and said it was very good.  He ended up eating my fried potatoes.

Me and Tanner eating at