Sunday, June 14, 2015

Life isn't static

Learned lot during ny 43 yrs.  When confronted to life changing events one reacts and become better & stronger or either the opposite is chosen from perhaps weakess and fear or belief you're correct.

Life doesn't stay static!!! Those events are opportunities for choice; which reaction you take.  Which road you split.

In turn in the future the reaction/choice  you made in the past will affect those life events, life changing choices you, yourself will be faced with someday.  Your changing event or events --  How will your past dececions affect you present?  Will your choice be different for strength or turn back to fear?  Will you regret the choice made during the first life alternating event and react in a new way.  Or will you be unable to break from perhaps guilt to once again choose a path which will lead you into deeper blackness or a choice you're perfectly at peace with.

(I'll be editing because I have honestly no idea exactly what point I'm trying to make and how to make it.)

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