Friday, December 20, 2013

Remains to be seen....

It remains to be seen if this surgery turns out to be a good idea or bad.  Last night proved to be very bad.  I was up all night sleeping on the recliner. Or trying to rest. I had been up several times with extreme nausea.  At 3 am the extreme nausea was all over our bathroom.   Chris was up in a quick minute holding my hair and sweetly talking to me.  Then this morning around 6 when I was sick again Chris wanted to take me to the ER.

So while it remains to be seen at each new chapter in breast cancer healing journey what are the good ideas and what are not, the one tried and true test is that Chris is a very good nurse to me.  Especially hitting home as he cleaned that nasty mess of a bathroom I made in the middle of the night.


  1. Bless him....puke is something I can not deal with..even the medical field. It is the smell that give me a difficult time...Hope you get to feeling better!

  2. Thinking of you and praying you get better and heal fast. We will be there in a week and cannot wait to see you. You have been such a strong woman through all this, and an inspiration to everyone. I don't think I could be as strong as you! If you need a good sappy book (made me cry) read "The Color of Heaven" it was free for my nook off of (had others like amazon, kindle that it's free on too). Have a very Merry Christmas! See you and Chris soon. Scott (Mudd and Denise)

  3. Thanks Denise. I can't wait to visit with you all!!! Miss you and Mud throughout the year
