Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Raven, aka Grumpy, aka More Like Whiz, has been at our farm since she was a baby two year old.  She is now eight.

I can remember going with Chris to pick the mare up for training as a two year old filly.  Her owners had nicknamed her Grumpy when she was born.

We loaded her up for her first trip and stood to speak with Judi and Graham for a minute.  Raven, as Chris later re-named her, proceeded to knock the window out of our horse trailer.  A piece of the glass hit the side of my nose and cut it a little.  I kinda thought at that moment, oh no, she might be a tough one for Chris to break....

When a horse has been at the farm for so long it's hard to imagine them leaving.  I never imagined she'd be mine.  Nor really thought I'd be riding again.  (Ummmm....not that I will ride that much.  I really enjoy being the groom.)

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