Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Risk Factors

During my six month oncology appointment Dr. Charles once again drilled things I should do and should not do to reduce risk of reoccurring breast cancer.  (Who would've thought after having breasts removed you'd have to worry about breast cancer ever again?  Strange huh?)

Here are a few of the things Dr. Charles always emphasizes every visit:

The most proven common denominator in risk of developing breast cancer or have it reoccurring is drinking alcohol.   So while drinking a glass of red wine every night may be good for your heart Dr. Charles said that is a no-no for me.  No drinking! Keeping risk of secondary cancer low is more important than my heart at this point I guess. Funny.

Vitamin D needs to stay around 30.  Mine has fallen to 21 which is much better than the 15 it was last year. So back on the 50,000 iu per week for three months.  Vitamin D very, very important in trying to keep cancers away.  I've several blog posts on that topic.  If you type Vitamin D in search box for this blog it will pull up those links if you're interested. Those posts contain links to some great research articles.

Exercise is helpful in reducing risk for cancer coming back.  Hmmm...I gotta get motivated! Maybe Dr. Charles needs to write me a prescription....

Healthy diet.  Hmmm...I gotta get motivated! Maybe he should write me a prescription for that as well....

Genetics only account for less than 10% of all breast cancer.  Good to know.  I'm negative for genetic.  But never worried about genetics anyway for many reasons.

New research is showing taking Tamoxifen for ten years instead of five much more decreases risk of redevelopment of cancer returning.   Final report from research out next year which is my fifth and final year of the pill.  Dr. Charles is going to be very insistent on my continuing Tamoxifen for another five.  I told him MAYBE the research will be wrong.   He smiled and said we would revisit this next year. I love, love, love Dr. Charles. He doesn't always "get" my sense of humor but I always "get" what he is saying.

I'll add more later.... I'm tired and may actually get some sleep tonight.

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