Friday, June 6, 2014


It took my niece Chelsea a few days to find her gift from me.  She was sitting in her car at her nanna and papaws house.  She pulled down her visor and ....  down came 1,000s of tiny pieces of paper.  I wish I'd seen her face!  Her papaw came out and saw the paper on the ground.  He asked Chelsea about it and all she said was "Marna...."

I have no idea how she immediately thought it was me..............

Ugh....they kill me......

Two of the great nieces. Sisters. They kill me when Chris is out of town.  Both want to spend the night with me.  But not together.  Never together!

A couple weeks ago Chelsea and I made plans to see the movie "The Fault in our Stars" when it came out this weekend.   Last night was Bella's night with me and I took her to see "Maleficent".  (Which was great btw.)  Bella asked if I would take her to see "The Fault in our Stars" next.  I said probably not because it's PG13.  Bella said "Marna.  I'm almost 13."  I said well you're not yet.  (I'm thinking to myself...did she hear Chelsea and I talk about the movie a couple weeks ago and is trying to beat Chelsea to the punch on this???)

Today I got a text from Bella: "Mom said I can go see fault in our stars."  I didn't reply.  I thought shoot.  I've not heard from Chelsea and I betcha she'll not want little sister tagging along on our aunt/niece time.

When I left work I text Bella and asked "Really?"

Bella replied "Mom said yes in the car but Chelsea changed her mind."  Bella had a little devil face smiley at the end.  I replied "ok".

Just about an hour ago Chelsea called me.  "Marna.  I'm coming to spend the night with you."  I said "well, ok".  No mention of the movie.  I bet I'll hear about a sister war later!

Ohhhh how my heart will break when the nieces discover I'm not cool enough to want to hang out with anymore.   Well when that happens maybe I'll not be to old and can trick Mallie Belle into wanting to spend time with the ole auntie when she's a big girl.

Zac Efron

Watching the movie "Neighbors" reminded me once again that I'd NEVER dance with Zac Efron.