Monday, April 29, 2013

NYR Stanley Cup Playoffs

Nooooooooo!!!!!! Going on about my fifth vacation in my whole entire 41 years of life and the NYR Stanley Cup game at home is Wednesday night.....the night before we get there.  Then there is a game on Sunday night if needed, night we leave........  Ugh.

Car tag I got in 1994.  I also ordered the whole
NYR Stanley Cup win collectors set--video, hat, etc.

(This disappointment is just one more NHL tragedy this year.  First the lockout. Now this.  But number one on my list is the Nashville Predators not making the playoffs.)

Squirrel trying to beat traffic....

Little squirrel running across the road, if you are going to commit to something, commit.  Don't stop half way......


Rose I started last Fall.  Not very big yet.  Probably take couple of years to be decent size.  Going to plant soon.  Hope it doesn't die!

Finches and Hummingbirds

Finches and hummingbirds are here.  And buddy, they both eat a lot!
