Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Athletic? No, not really....

Someone told me I was athletic or I wouldn't be able to ride a mountain bike.  I said have you seen me ride a mountain bike?  I wreck.  A lot.  I've wrecked going down the mountain, going up the mountain, got eaten by a bush (or 2) wrecked when I hit a root (every time), fell off a bridge, wrecked going slow, wrecked going fast, hit a tree, wrecked in a creek, wrecked getting ON the trail in the parking lot, wobbled my handle bars and fell off the trail, wrecked whenever and every time someone passes me, wrecked when I stopped because I saw bear poop, and

Best of all I wrecked when I met someone on the trail: Packy and Chris had went down a mountain, around a curve, outta sight and left me.  Some French guy was going up the trail and I was about to meet him.  I panicked and what did I do?  Went off the side of the trail and took a tumble for oh, about 1000 feet (well, that is a fishing tale, it was about 50).  The nice Frenchman just peddled on up the hill.  Packy and Chris heard me skid down the side and Packy turned to Chris and said, "Man. I think you're wife just wrecked."  Luckily they came back.  French guy didn't.

I haven't ridden in a few years-since I was sick.  Back then Chris had gotten to the point when he went out ahead of me out of sight and he met someone coming toward us he'd tell them, "My wife's back there.


  1. SO SORRY!!!!!!! but, I was bursting with laughter while reading this.

  2. Loved this one!!! You crack me up!
