Friday, June 14, 2013


Our cousins Jeremiah and Sarah, one of the cutest-most adventures couple ever, went skydiving for their second wedding anniversary.  Years ago, Chris used to talk about going skydiving all the time.

Chris asked about us going and I said,
"No.  I can't believe you asked.  Remember, I'm the girl you said would be a horrible contestant on 'The Bachelor' because I'm always saying 'no way, I wouldn't do that', or 'nope, not me, that's crazy', 
when they go on their dates on the show."

Chris said he'd probably be nervous now that he is older should he try it.  He said he'd probably need some coaxing before jumping.  I said, "I'll be watching from the ground."

Maybe I could borrow some of those cool orange light sticks the guys use at airports to direct airplanes on the ground.... I'll just point mine straight down at the ground instead of using all those fun hand motions in the air.  I'll not need to because straight down in the dirt is where Chris would go.


  1. I would sky dive. I would have to push Phil out of the plane

  2. I wouldn't go up in the plane. I'd be afraid somebody would push me off! lol
