Monday, January 21, 2013

Eskimo Escapades

Very much fun watching Sarah and Jeremiah wakeboard at "Eskimo Escapades" Saturday in Knoxville.  Strange to watch boats, tubing, wake boarding and skiing with snow in the background.

Sarah & Jeremiah's entry numbers.

Sarah. Ever so stylish summer to winter
 from board to boots to board
shorts to sweater to pocket book.

Walking the bridge to Volunteer Landing.
Look at the snow on the ground! BRRR!

Rough, cold water but Sarah handled it!

Jeremiah all done.

So cold! But for a good charity!

Always a smile. Even when frozen!

Such a great husband to pull Sarah out of the water
and then carry her board. 

Chris loves the video camera......he thinks he is an award
winning narrator. Kinda like I think I'm an award winning blogger...

Jeremiah and Sarah. We ate with her family at Calhoun's afterward.
The ribs, to die for!

Chris and Phil.  Phil pretty gentlemanly to carry Sarah's stuff too.

Phil and Spic.  Spic is a great fashion blogger!
Lip Gloss and Grass Stains


  1. Love this post. Great pics. Gives me cold chills seeing all that snow on the ground and them playing in the water. Crazy Loons!

    Had a good time eating with everyone, we will have to do it again.

  2. Great fun! We need to go to Knoxville one Wednesday to eat like the guys were talking about.

  3. yes, we do! I will text you and we will plan it!
