Friday, December 4, 2015

Missing my dogs....

I guess it's the story about the pit bull and owner from yesterday. I'm missing our guys really bad. This year was awfully hard. The seperate days these pictures were made were the last photos of well over 11 and 13 years with each dog - Ada Monroe and Diesel "Weisel".  Days which were terrible to come to terms with.

Several years of hoping they'd each "go in their sleep" were over.  I'm afraid we hung on to each for much longer than we should have.  Both dogs were telling us for weeks they were "ready" to go.  Especially Ada. Ever more my shadow toward the end. Those eyes begging for peace.  From grieving Diesel to her own bodily pain.

I remember so well the many times a night, when each was a puppy, jumping up from sleep to take them out to use bathroom. Curling up with a puppy at night while smelling puppy breath made it alright.  Y'all dog lovers know what I mean.....

Sometimes THE hardest thing to do is the most loving and humane thing to do.  I hope for every old dog to "go in its own sleep".  But as a owner, I hope facing that horrible decision is easier than Chris and I had. I truly feel it was an unfortunate thing we had to decide and our love for each postponed the inevitable for too long.

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