No hockey games on tonight. Stanley Cup Playoffs aren't over but I'm already dreading a summer with no hockey.....
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Athletic? No, not really....
Someone told me I was athletic or I wouldn't be able to ride
a mountain bike. I said have you seen me
ride a mountain bike? I wreck. A lot.
I've wrecked going down the mountain, going up the mountain, got eaten
by a bush (or 2) wrecked when I hit a root (every time), fell off a bridge,
wrecked going slow, wrecked going fast, hit a tree, wrecked in a creek, wrecked
getting ON the trail in the parking lot, wobbled my handle bars and fell off
the trail, wrecked whenever and every time someone passes me, wrecked when I
stopped because I saw bear poop, and
Best of all I wrecked when I met someone on the trail: Packy
and Chris had went down a mountain, around a curve, outta sight and left
me. Some French guy was going up the
trail and I was about to meet him. I
panicked and what did I do? Went off the
side of the trail and took a tumble for oh, about 1000 feet (well, that is a
fishing tale, it was about 50). The nice
Frenchman just peddled on up the hill.
Packy and Chris heard me skid down the side and Packy turned to Chris
and said, "Man. I think you're wife just wrecked." Luckily they came back. French guy didn't.
I haven't ridden in a few years-since I was sick. Back then Chris had gotten to the point when he went out ahead of me out of sight and he met someone coming toward us he'd tell them, "My wife's back there.
I haven't ridden in a few years-since I was sick. Back then Chris had gotten to the point when he went out ahead of me out of sight and he met someone coming toward us he'd tell them, "My wife's back there.
Memorial Day Weekend 2013
Our friends Kathy and Steve visited Saturday and Sunday from Nashville. They rode horses Saturday and Sunday. Saturday night we went to the lake where Chris wakeboarded a little.
The water was too cold for the rest of us to get in.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Commit Goalie
Dear Mr. Goalie, like the little squirrel running across the road I talked about a couple of weeks ago, if you are going to commit to something, commit. Don't hesitate half way to the bench......
It Would Only Happen to Me
This is one of those "it would only happen to Marna"
stories as some say.
Let's see.......we'll start at the beginning:
My sister and her friends were planning a trip to New York City (NYC) several months back. Lynette asked me to go. I decided sure, I'd always wanted to visit NYC, mostly to see a Broadway play and New York Rangers hockey.
After a couple of weeks went by I thought there might be a possibility that the Stanley Cup playoff season would be going on while we in New York in May. The New York Rangers (NYR) weren't having a great season so far. On paper the team looked unstoppable. But on the ice, well, they were.
So even though I figured the National Hockey League (NHL) season ending date and the playoff beginning date would hit the timing of our trip, I really didn't think the New York Rangers (NYR) would make the playoffs. Three weeks before the playoffs began it became clear they would make it!!! Now I just had to wait for the schedule to be released and keep my fingers crossed they would have a home game the week we were in NYC.
The week before we were to leave for our NYC visit the schedule was posted on the NHL website. Only there was one problem: the NYR play Wednesday night BEFORE we arrive on Thursday and then again on Sunday night, THE night we are flying home. Oh the agony!
I, Marna, was in the middle of my first real conumdrum. What to do??? Fly out a night early? Stay an extra night? Lot's of people had different opinions on what I should do. Some said go the day before. Some said stay the extra night. Others said, "Oh, go on and go early and stay late-see both. When will you ever be able to go again?" I thought about the options and looked into Sunday night's game-maybe I could go to the 8:00 pm game (our plane was leaving NYC at 8:00pm) and catch a later flight. Problem? There were no later flights. Only next day flights. So that fact X'd out the game. For fun I looked at single seats available. There were only ten or so left anyway. Those would sell quick.
With dreams of seeing my beloved NYR play hockey at Madison Square Garden dashed I had great fun in the city with my sister and her friends. We saw "Wicked" on Broadway. I hated the "Wizard of Oz". Mostly because of the flying monkeys. I hate flying monkeys. I said if there are flying monkeys in this play I'm outta there. There were flying monkeys. But "Wicked" turned out to be one of the best performances I've ever seen in my life. Just to go see the show is reason enough for a trip to NYC.
One of the tour buses that were everywhere! |
Now to find a ticket. I pulled out the good ole trusty laptop to watch the last two single seat tickets be sold right in front of me. Geez! Oh well. Laura, who was with our group, said "Let's ask downstairs." The hotel and had helped us all week find great places to eat and visit. Laura told the desk that I really, really wanted to go to the New York Rangers game tomorrow and was there a way to find a ticket. Supposedly the hotels work together with customers for event tickets. Several tickets in different areas of Madison Square Garden were found. We talked about the pros and cons of where the location of each seat was. The guy at the desk said, "Let me call one more person." The guy he talked to had a ticket that was third row from the ice! But the seat was really a front row due to the way the rows were lain out. I said that is the one I want!! Deal done. I'm going to a New York Rangers playoff game. Excitement and nerves began to set in. The guy at the dest told me "That's a REALLY good seat." Hearing that made me even more excited and proud.
The New York Rangers won the Stanley Cup in 1994 and I ordered the win package-video of series, hat, jersey, license plate....the whole nine yards. Now. What to wear? My 1994 Mark Messier jersey is long gone. I had my 1994 car license plate that I was going to take to NYC with me. I didn't think I'd get to see the game so left it at home. I was planning to write 1994 on the back and hold it up showing the license plate then flip to the year. (Like anyone would see it in the sea of fans.)
Henrik Lundqvist, #30, New York Rangers goalie |
I had no idea where to go or where my seat was. There is a small escalator to one side that said Club and Suites. Well, that can't be my entrance I said to myself. I saw a man and women standing near by and showed them my ticket saying "I’m from Tennessee and I'm not sure where to go or which gate to enter." The guy said "That's a really great seat." He told me to take the escalator - in an hour. That is when the Garden would open. I stood there a while more thinking what the man said about the escalator couldn’t be correct because the sign said Clubs and Suites........
Eventually I walked up to the man taking tickets at the escalator. I showed him my ticket and told him I was from Tennessee and had no idea where to go. He looked at my ticket and said "That's a REALLY good seat." Hmmmmm, I knew it was going to be a good seat because it's third row. But the way people are saying "it's a really good seat" struck me as weird for some reason....
At the assigned time, one hour before the puck drops, I went up and showed my ticket to the guy at the escalator. Then I went to the next person for security check and showed him my ticket. He said with emphasis, "That's a really good seat." Strange......everyone seemed to know the seat section. Maybe they were just good seats anyone would love? I didn't know, had no clue and didn't really care at that point. I went up the escalator to a small lobby with large boardroom looking doors (which were shut). Ummmmm......where do I go I thought? There was NO way I was about to open one of those doors. I turned around and walked right back to the three teenager welcomers standing at the top of the excalator. They told me they had no idea how to get to any of the seats. Great. Even they didn't know.
I walked around the lobby for a little bit and then saw a very nice looking, evidently wealthy, older gentleman. I walked up to him and showed him my ticket saying "I’m from Tennessee (why I kept repeating this I do not know) and I don't know where to go. Could you help me?" The gentleman looked at my ticket and said, "That is a really good seat. Go down the stairs at the edge of the room. Turn right and you'll be at an escalator that will take you up to the concourse for seating." I thanked the gentleman and walked away.
When I was about 60 feet away he yelled out "That is a really good seat. That's where all the girlfriends and wives sit." I turned back to look at him, threw up my hands, waved them and said "No, not me, no I'm not one of those. I'm from Tennessee. I'm just here to see a dream come true." Then I looked down at what I was wearing. #30 Henrik Lundqvist My stomach churned just a little.
I went up the escalator and took my seat. Wow. It really was a good seat. No, take that back. It was a GREAT seat! I was super excited. The teams came out for warm ups. Not many people were in the stands during that time. Most were outside with the bands and others just don't want to be at the game an hour early.
It was probably my nervous paranoia over being told what the section was for, but I felt some of the players were glancing my way. No one was sitting around me........ Oh my, they were probably thinking "Who gave that ole lady a ticket." (I am old enough to be their mother.) But it was the other team’s end of the ice in front of me so I dismissed the thought.
The game was getting close to start when a very pretty blond with very curly hair sat behind me. She had a little boy of about 6 with a Rick Nash #61 jersey on. I thought, "Oh great, this is probably a girlfriend and she is probably wondering who the heck I am and what am I doing with #30's jersey on. Especially since he is married." She was probably thinking this woman is stupid. If she is #30 mistress she shouldn't have worn the jersey. (Funny I am dreaming up some script going through her head. She was probably doing the same about me.)
I was sooooo uncomfortable from that moment on about having a jersey on, period. Everyone in Madison Square Garden had jerseys on. Or some type of NYR shirt/outfit. NONE in our section had a jersey on. I'm not even sure they had NYR's colors on. (From what I could tell. I was too intimidated by what was going on to look back very far. The furthest I did look was the little cute blond lady with the gorgeously curly hair.
Before the game began a man in a suit walked in front of me from the concrete path below. He handed me a frozen practice puck and pointed at the little boy wearing the #61 Rick Nash jersey. I turned around and gave the puck to him. Thirty minutes or so later another man in a suit brought a string NYR backpack filled with Rangers stuff and a NYR hat for the little boy. Hmmm....something special about that kid.
Two young girls came and sat my me when the game started who seem to be spoiled. Before they came a lady had walked in front of me and asked "Are you alright? Do you need anything? Just let me know when and if you need something." Wow, more uncomfortableness..... I sat up straight as a board wondering if she was talking to me. I responded, “No. No thank you. I’m fine.” (My friend Patty said I should have asked her if she could get me another jersey.) This section had waitresses. I’m used to guys going up and down the stands selling cotton candy.
Dan Girardi, #5, New York Rangers
About ten minutes into the game two boys about age 19 sat on the other side of me. The last two seats on the row. Foul mouthed boys. By then my experience of my dream hockey game was becoming tarnished. Tarnished by annoying girls, one of which took about twenty photos of herself within five minutes. AND also by the foul mouthed boys. AND sitting in the family and important people section with that stupid jersey where I obviously by this point didn't belong.
The game had started an hour late-at 4:30 so I knew I could not stay for the third period. (It was HARD to leave but just watching a little helped me reach a bucket list check-off.) During the last ten minutes of the second period I turned and asked the curly headed woman if she would take a photo of me. I told her I was from Tennessee and always wanted to see a New York Rangers game. She said sure and took a photo. Then she took another, for good measure. She was really nice and wanted to make sure at least one of the photos turned out well.
The second period ended and I stood up, gathered my things and turned to the lady to once again thank her for taking the photo. She exclaimed, “You’re not leaving already are you?” I told her yes, I was from Tennessee (again) and that I had to catch my plane home. She asked what part of Tennessee I was from. I said East Tennessee. The lady told me she had a college friend from Chattanooga. I asked her "So did you go to UTC?" I could have hit myself on my forehead (and did later when I left) after her reply: "No, I went to Columbia." Columbia? Columbia? Oh, yeah, of course Columbia and here I insulted you by automatically thinking you went to the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga....... Didn't I sound stupid....
I said, “thank you again” and started walking through the stands. The lady with the beautiful hair said “Oh, by the way, who gave you the ticket?” She sure wasn’t going to let me out of there without finding that fact out. Oh, no. I was afraid this would happen. What do I say? I felt I obviously, maybe, wasn’t supposed to have this ticket? I vaguely explained how and got out of the arena.
Monday, May 27, 2013
"I quit" this show.....
Okay, I hate "The Bachelorette" and "The Bachelor" but watch sometimes with Chris. Seems the times I watch something "out of the ordinary", as they call it, happens. I think the "out of the ordinary" this year should be this girl turning to the commentator/announcer guy and saying "I quit".
The Bachelorette
Oh, my, goodness. I hate the shows "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelorette". Chris likes them as does his mom. I'm watching the new "Bachelorette". Why? I rarely watch or don't watch many episodes. I can't believe the men who introduced themselves on tonight's premier. Yuck. Send them all home lady. Where are the real men? Not fake. Real marriage material. Ugh.
Chris used to go to his mom's to watch with her on Monday nights. This season is definitely a season he is going to do that. This is the biggest grossing me out season yet........Stupid.
Chris used to go to his mom's to watch with her on Monday nights. This season is definitely a season he is going to do that. This is the biggest grossing me out season yet........Stupid.
Diesel Dog
Diesel Dog or Diesel Damage or Bubba. He has so many names. And gives so much love. The past couple of years he has started getting gray on his face. Diesel is ten now.
I don't like him getting old....
Sabertooth Mosquitos
The mosquitos in Paris, TN may be so big they ask for your blood donor card. But the ones in Corntassel are Sabertooth Mosquitos. They can bite through anything.
Lazy River
I told Chris that Splash Country has some sort of new water coaster slide but that I don't really like Splash Country that good.
Chris said, "I like it okay."
I said "Well.....I like the Lazy River ride."
Chris said, "Golly bum Marna, there's just no sport in you at all is there? Bless your heart."
Chris said, "I like it okay."
I said "Well.....I like the Lazy River ride."
Chris said, "Golly bum Marna, there's just no sport in you at all is there? Bless your heart."
![]() |
I love Dolly!!! |
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Memorial Day
I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day Weekend! So proud my Daddy was a WW II Naval Veteran. And so very proud of the patriotism Monroe County always shows in time of great need in our community and Nation.
One of my favorite photos of Daddy from his time in the Navy in WW II. I've always wondered how the jeep named Janie got her name. So many, many things I wished I had asked Daddy about while he was still alive.....
One of my favorite photos of Daddy from his time in the Navy in WW II. I've always wondered how the jeep named Janie got her name. So many, many things I wished I had asked Daddy about while he was still alive.....
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Friends Today
Friends from Nashville came today to ride horses with Chris. Afterward we headed to the lake where Chris did a little wakeboarding. Water was too cold for the rest of us to jump in. Kathy and Steve are spending the night in Vonore and then coming to ride again with Chris tomorrow. Great first day to the Memorial Day weekend.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Genetics are estimated to account for NO MORE than about 10% of all breast cancer. Age is biggest risk. -National Cancer Institute
Although it's an individual's comfort level and decision, pause, think and research before you jump on the Angelina Jolie bandwagon. And before you totally trust and rely on genetic counseling. I have no genetic markers.
Undergoing that type of surgery is a life changing event-cancer or no cancer. If you ever have a child there is no breast feeding. There is an emotional side of the surgery that will hit you in a ways that you never thought possible. Thoughts need to be turned toward implants-when will those have to be replaced? They don't last forever. And then there are the scars. Horrible, horrible scars you can never imagine till they are your very own. Unless, of course, you can afford the plastic surgeons that Jolie most likely had.
Although it's an individual's comfort level and decision, pause, think and research before you jump on the Angelina Jolie bandwagon. And before you totally trust and rely on genetic counseling. I have no genetic markers.
Undergoing that type of surgery is a life changing event-cancer or no cancer. If you ever have a child there is no breast feeding. There is an emotional side of the surgery that will hit you in a ways that you never thought possible. Thoughts need to be turned toward implants-when will those have to be replaced? They don't last forever. And then there are the scars. Horrible, horrible scars you can never imagine till they are your very own. Unless, of course, you can afford the plastic surgeons that Jolie most likely had.
Why have a Twitter page you don't man yourself? I don't know if you can trust someone enough nor pay them enough to represent the real you.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Coming Soon!
My unbelievable trip to MSG to watch the New York Rangers play. Wow. It can be described as a thing that would only happen to Marna................
Watch for it...........coming soon!!
Watch for it...........coming soon!!
Retiarius Gladiator vs Shea Weber vs Zdeno Chara
NHL players practice shooting pucks. A lot. Over and over and over again to practice precision. The same precision is needed for the hockey player to perform his job, just as the precision needed for the Gladiator to perform his. I wonder of hockey players and rotator cuff injuries. Are hockey players more adapt to develop that problem than in other sports?
Some elite professional NHL players who have the hardest and fastest slap shots are Zdeno Chara of the Boston Bruins. Chara record of hardest shot is 108.8 miles per hour at the 2012 All-Star Game.
Nashville Predator Shea Weber came up second to Chara's record at the 2012 All Star Game setting his personal record at 106 miles per hour.
Tournament- On Canada roster Shea Weber scored second goal of the game. His shot passed through the netting mesh behind the German goaltender. In order for the goal to be counted the video had to be reviewed. Now that was a hard shot! For sure. Was it one of the fastest? I don't know unless someone tested it at the same time the puck went through the net. I'd say it was both in order to do what it did to the net
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Do not kill the eagles.......Eagles are all encompassing of America. They are the sacred symbol for the United States. They are the definition of Patriotism.
Article in the Knoxville News about the local shootings of two Bald Eagles:
Knoxville News-Bald Eagle Shootings
Article in the Knoxville News about the local shootings of two Bald Eagles:
Knoxville News-Bald Eagle Shootings
Monday, May 20, 2013
Decoration at Hopewell Cemetery May 19, 2013
Decoration at Hopewell. Photo is of Momma, Daddy and Gary's graves. Wish the weather had been nice. It's been yucky and rainy the past few years. No walking and visiting in years with bad weather and I miss that part of Decoration. Decoration seems to be a dying tradition and the weather doesn't help that matter.......
Carhart Cooler
Chris has another new "cool" toy. A Carhart fold up cooler. He's been practicing keep his ice frozen by filling the Carhart cooler. I must say that cooler keeps the ice froze and the drinks COLD. Great product that is easy to put away by just folding up.
Ice Maker
For Christmas I got Chris a small, portable, countertop ice maker. He hadn't opened the box until this past weekend. Chris loves his new toy so much that he hasn't quit making ice since Saturday. I'm afraid he'll have it broken by next Saturday. But glad he is enjoying his Christmas present.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Angelina Jolie
Wondering why the news on Angelina Jolie's mastectomy had me so shocked when I first heard about it.......
Maybe blog later................
Small Town
You know you are a small town girl when you go to New York City, ride around in a double decker tour bus and exclaim: "There's a nanny!". Around here we're used to hearing people, not from here, saying something similar: "There's a deer!"
Is it okay to stake up knockout roses? Will that hurt them? How do I do that if it will not harm the roses? What materials? My bushes are as tall as my head. Some are falling forward from the weight. I really do not want to cut the fronts to make them stand upright because I prefer the large, tall, fully bushy look to the knockouts.
This isn't a great photo of my roses. It doesn't do them justice. But you can see they are as tall as me. The tops haven't bloomed yet. I love my roses! Just got to get the ones at the middle of the porch standing straight up.
This isn't a great photo of my roses. It doesn't do them justice. But you can see they are as tall as me. The tops haven't bloomed yet. I love my roses! Just got to get the ones at the middle of the porch standing straight up.
Raccoon Mountain
Thinking about starting mountain biking again this summer. It's been over three years since I've ridden regular. So........
This is the view on top of Raccoon Mountain in Chattanooga, TN.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Summer's Friends
Can't wait to spend many days at the lake wake boarding (Well, not me wake boarding. I think we've established how horribly un-coordinated I am) with two of my favorite lake buddies!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Home from the Hospital
Chris's mom is finally coming home from the hospital tomorrow! She has LOVED all her cards. She has gotten so very many and said she is keeping them all so she can look back over them in a few weeks. I told her that was a good idea. The time in the hospital will be a blue and she can read the cards and remember who all was praying and thinking about her.
Thanks again for all the prayers and thinking of her during this time. And please continue to do so. It's been a tough road.
Thanks again for all the prayers and thinking of her during this time. And please continue to do so. It's been a tough road.
NYC Funny
Funniest thing we saw in NYC was a guy walking around with a cat on his head. I think it's a novelty to catch a glimpse of him and the cat. Sooooooo if you go to NYC don't look for the Cat in the Hat, look for the Cat as a Hat.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
NYC Cheesecake
I think NYC is supposed to have the best cheesecake of anywhere. It surely was good and I'm wanting some more right now thinking about it......
On vacation in NYC we stopped to eat in a cafe in Central Park. The food was french or something or other. I was good. The waitress was not so much. She put all checks on same bill and didn't refill drinks. Wasn't very helpful. I hadn't noticed much about the service until I was leaving.
Everyone in our group had already walked off the patio on were gone. I was gathering my things into my backpack. The waitress came up and asked something like "was your food not good?" I said "yes" and was wondering what was going on. She then made the comment "It's customary in the states to tip 15%. I was SHOCKED she confronted a customer that way and should have went straight to the manager. We had all given our money into one pile for her. I have no idea what the tip ended up being but wasn't too worried as she hadn't been the greatest.
Thinking about it I think I was more shocked that she thought we weren't from the United States. Is our accent soooo bad? lol
Everyone in our group had already walked off the patio on were gone. I was gathering my things into my backpack. The waitress came up and asked something like "was your food not good?" I said "yes" and was wondering what was going on. She then made the comment "It's customary in the states to tip 15%. I was SHOCKED she confronted a customer that way and should have went straight to the manager. We had all given our money into one pile for her. I have no idea what the tip ended up being but wasn't too worried as she hadn't been the greatest.
Thinking about it I think I was more shocked that she thought we weren't from the United States. Is our accent soooo bad? lol
Meal my sister Lynette and I split. It was pretty good. Think it was a French type dish. |
Monday, May 13, 2013
Dream come true!
Watching the New York Rangers play at Madison Square Garden was always a dream of mine but one I never thought would come true. It did yesterday! What a great time it was!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to my momma in Heaven and my husband's momma. Love them both dearly.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
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