Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I heard my most favorite sound in the world tonight......a whippoorwill.  In Hopewell and Corntassel where I was raised, there were many, many whippoorwills.  If I can think long and hard I can almost hear them, the crickets, the frogs and feel the warm summer night air on my face.  I loved sitting outside and listening to the whippoorwill call to one another.

We now live in Madisonville, which seems so very far away from the communities I was raised. (Actually it's only about 20 minutes.)  When we moved there was one lone whippoorwill I would listen too.  The next year it was gone.  Couple years went by and heard another for a while.  Silence the past few years.  Until tonight.  I'm so excited to what spring and summer may bring.  Hopefully many more whippoorwills.  

Whippoorwills nest on the ground and are susceptible to attacks by cats and coyotes.  We don't have many cats around, that I know of, hunting in the woods at night.  But there are a lot of coyotes on occasion.

Oh, please let us have a few at our farm this year.  That would be the perfect summer............

Wonder what I could do to attract Whippoorwills to our farm?  And keep them safe.

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