Thursday, April 16, 2009


I have heard a lot of people talking about "karma" recently. Many of my friends seem to be having rough times lately and hope for karma. I have also read about karma on the Internet and in blogs--my favorite and in my opinion one of the best bloggers Amelia talked about the court case involving the young couple in Knoxville. She didn't blog about karma really but about the "injustice" of the justice system. 

I don't believe in karma. What goes around does not always come around. I have watched too many people slip through the crack of "karma". Pedophiles, rapist, batterers, murderers, etc. 

Our justice system, both nationally and locally, leaves much to be desired. The old saying, "You do the crime, you do the time" doesn't seem to ring true anymore. "You do the crime, you may do some time" seems more like it. I worked with victims of crime for many years and it's a very frustrating situation. Convincing victims, especially domestic violence victims or a victim of rape, to press charges, follow through with prosecution for what seems like months as the perp gets court put off again and again only to end up with a 6 month diversion on the charge, is a horrible experience. Especially when attorneys, and I at times, told her that the court would take care of her rights. I learned quickly not to make that promise! 

Maybe I am hearing more people talk about karma because things are really tough in the world right now-wars, economy, crime, drugs.....What gives me comfort is the fact that there will be justice. God's Justice. I know I will face it as well for the sins in my life. But so will they. Many times I want to have justice on my time and on my terms. But Justice will come. How depressing if that was not to be, to live life hoping for "karma" but not knowing if one would receive it or not? I live in knowledge of Justice. Knowing I will face it but not alone. I have The Blood to cover me.

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